Frozen shoulder stages

Did you know that the frozen shoulder usually has 3 stages that the shoulder will go through.

  • Freezing stage – may last from 10 to 36 weeks long. Intense pain, even at rest, limitation of the range of motion of the joint.
  • Frozen stage – may last from 4 to 12 month. Pain only with movement. Significant adhesions and limited shoulder ( GlenoHumeral joint) motion with substitute motions of the scapula. Possible atrophy of Rotator cuff Biceps and triceps.
  • Thawing stage – may last from 2 to 24 month. No pain, significant capsular restrictions from adhesions. Some never regain normal Range Of Motion.

All the stages will vary from person to person and will mostly depend on the self-care and the therapy. It is very essential to continue Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Acupuncture on a weekly basis along with self-care to icrease the healing process.