What are the sing and symptoms of Lupus and what the role of massage therapist is.

Patient may experience variety of symptoms ….

  • Has a flare up and remission patter.
  • Patient will often have a malar (butterfly) rash.
  • There is a sensitivity to light, especially UVB light.
  • There may be inflammation of the pericardium, and pleura of the lungs.
  • There may be reduced circulation to the fingers and toes with cold exposure, Reynaud’s Phenomenon.
  • Hair loss, and inflammation are common.
  • Arthralgia, and inflammation are common.
  • There may be seizures, psychosis, nerve transmission abnormalities that can cause parasthesias and muscle weakness.

Please consult with your family doctor if you feel any of those symptoms.

Most patients have mild cases with only a few symptoms. However, some have more serious illnesses.

During flare up, treatment are generally oriented to control inflammation. If there is a fever, all massage is contraindicated.

Between flare ups, goals often involved maintaining range of motion, and addressing compensatory impairment like spasm and trigger point.

Be careful of any modalities that may provoke an inflammation response, like friction. There may be joint hypermobility – use caution with stretching techniques