Have you heard about Poultices and Packs?

A poultice is a raw or mashed herb applied wet directly to the body or encased in a clean cloth and then applied. They may be applied hot or cold depending on indications:                                       They may be used to:

  • Decrease pain and congestion and to act as a counterirritant.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Heal contusion, soothe abrasion.
  • Promote detoxification.
  • Reduce muscle resting tension.
  • Draw out boils, abscesses.

Some poultices are applied at a cold temperature and are used to decrease inflammation and some packs are applied using deep moist heat.

  1. Crush/Bruise medicinal plant material and heat.
  2. Cleanse skin before applying poultice.
  3. Apply directly to the skin or wrap paste in wet, hot cloth.
  4. Secure the poultice with wrap.
  5. Some herbs like mustard can be irritating to the skin. Potentially irritating additive should be put between two pieces of cloth before applying.
  6. Muslin or a cotton towel can be used to wrap herbs. Cover with a towel or plastic wrap and reapply heat source when and if necessary.
  7. After 15-20 minutes, remove the application and rinse the skin with cool water.

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