Ginger Poultice

Modern science now confirms that ginger has over 100 distinct health benefits. Ginger easily penetrates into the body. Ginger compress can exert its influence even within solid organs such as the kidneys and liver, or within the lungs.

What are the properties of Ginger?

  • Increase circulation
  • Detoxification
  • Digestion ( may decrease intestinal gas)
  • Stimulant
  • Sedative
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antiseptic
  • Increases Immune system function
  • Diaphoretic – induces sweating
  • Diuretic – increase the amount or frequency of urination
  • Analgesic – relieve pain
  • Strengthens kidney function

How are we going to prepare our poultices?

Apply grated ginger to cheesecloth or paper towel and apply to the area or simmer ginger root in the water, or add powdered ginger to boiling water. Soak a folded cloth in the water and apply to relieve pain, or to bring blood to surface of congested area. Ginger may also be used for a foot soak or bath to reduce pain.

What is the common Indication?

  • Acute or chronic pain (rheumatism, arthritis, backaches, cramps(intestinal, menstrual cramps etc..), kidney stones attacks, toothaches)
  • Digestive system: colic, diarrhea, flatulence, heartburn, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, stomach cramps, ulcerative colitis.
  • Respiratory system: used as an expectorant, chills and allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, chronic bronchitis.
  • Speed recovery from inflammation conditions and injuries
  • Kidney stones, gallbladder stones, cysts(breast, ovarian) and benign tumors such as uterine fibroids

But there are some contra indications as well ( we would stay away of those specific application areas)

  • Ginger compresses over the brain
  • Elderly or very young people
  • Pregnancy
  • Appendicitis or pneumonia
  • Fever

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