Have you heard about Poultices and Packs?
A poultice is a raw or mashed herb applied wet directly to the body or encased in a clean cloth and then applied. They may be applied hot or cold depending on indications: They may be used to:
- Decrease pain and congestion and to act as a counterirritant.
- Reduce inflammation.
- Heal contusion, soothe abrasion.
- Promote detoxification.
- Reduce muscle resting tension.
- Draw out boils, abscesses.
Some poultices are applied at a cold temperature and are used to decrease inflammation and some packs are applied using deep moist heat.
- Crush/Bruise medicinal plant material and heat.
- Cleanse skin before applying poultice.
- Apply directly to the skin or wrap paste in wet, hot cloth.
- Secure the poultice with wrap.
- Some herbs like mustard can be irritating to the skin. Potentially irritating additive should be put between two pieces of cloth before applying.
- Muslin or a cotton towel can be used to wrap herbs. Cover with a towel or plastic wrap and reapply heat source when and if necessary.
- After 15-20 minutes, remove the application and rinse the skin with cool water.
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