What is a heating compress and Why is it good for us?

In the next couple blogs we will discuss the nature of heating compress, the physiological effects and how to apply it.

Heating compress use cold water. Initially they have the effects of cold, but they are left on until the secondary action of derivation occurs. These treatments help to relieve deep congestion by mobilizing mild local perspiration. This detoxification effects can be enhanced by adding cider vinegar to the water.

So what exactly happens to our body?

Aim is to create the secondary response of the body to cold (active derivation), primary response of the body to the cold stimulus occurs (retrostasis). The body will begin to re-warm the cooler area by shunting blood from other parts of the body towards the cooled treatment area. Blood flow via active derivation will be shunted from the most congested area in the body first.

This will seen in the treated area as active hyperemia. The resulting heat from the derivative effect is trapped next to the skin under the dry towel leading to accumulation of heat and a general heating effect.

Colder temperature and damper applications will create a stronger secondary response. More than a single layer of towel will also be more difficult for the body to heat up.

Follow up our Massage clinic in Oakville to get more information in a next blog on how to use a heating compress.